More Lighting!

My best friend is the type of person who makes mental notes of things I mention wanting, then randomly texts me with pictures to see if they fit into my current projects.  This is great for me, because taking five kids into antique shops during the week doesn’t always work out so well, and she has a little more flexibility with her schedule.  She’s never offended if I respond that it’s not what I had in mind.  She’s the best personal shopper ever!

Last week, I got a text with a couple of pictures.  One of a red crushed velvet lamp shade covering an ornate black fixture with red glass details (um, yeah, not my style, and apparently was only texted to me because the woman at the shop insisted) and one of a double arm brass sconce with pressed glass globes.  I swooned over the lovely feminine details and made a mental note to justify this light fixture to the hubby by pointing out that there were no chains involved.  He has a serious loathing of light fixtures with chains.  I apologized in advance for the dining room fixture.  And promised no more chains.  At least for awhile.

Here’s the picture I received of the first piece of the girls’ bathroom redo:

I was finally able to make it to the shop on Saturday, and saw the price tag of $40.  The realistic side of me argued that $40 was probably reasonable for the light fixture, but the frugal-always-looking-for-a-deal side of me argued that I thought I could do better.  The shop owner threw out $25, tax included, so the globes were wrapped, a box was found, and the light and I made the short trip to the house.

I now have a new shop to check out semi-regularly, and a start on the girls’ bathroom makeover!  Because let’s face it, this:


really doesn’t have a lot of femininity going for it.

The First Purchase

I mentioned in my first post that I’m a bit… frugal.  That couldn’t be more true than when it comes to lighting.  I love lighting.  It’s an easy update with a big WOW factor!  And my husband knows I can’t resist the lighting aisles at Lowe’s.  He tolerates this, and is now a pro at changing out light fixtures in our homes.

Our new house doesn’t have a refrigerator, so I went to Lowe’s to look at our options and see what sales they’re running.  And of course, I took a detour to the lighting section.

And I made the first purchase for our new home.

I can’t think of any better dining fixture for a home built in 1941 than a chandelier with fluted glass shades, a nod to the art deco period. The very last one in the store, hanging as a display.

The original price tag read $179, and was marked down to $35.80.  That’s my kind of price!

In other news, we still do not have a refrigerator for the house.  But we will.  Before we move in.